Jumpstarting™ Learning Skills
”We see dyslexia, not as a disability,
but as an expression of neurodiversity,
pointing to a discrepancy between how
a person is taught and how they learn.”
A Unique Visual System to Support Students with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia & Dyscalculia.
Do you, your child or your students have symptoms or a diagnosis of dyslexia?.
The characteristics of dyslexia are difficulties with reading and spelling but may also include issues with handwriting, organisational skills and mathematics.
Many students with dyslexia and other learning difficulties are often bright and creative and yet struggle with basic academic tasks.
We here at Jumpstarting™ Learning Skills have designed a unique visual system that offers a new way to master vital basic word and number skills.
dramatically improve their ability
to learn, including those with:
- Dyslexia
- Dyscalculia
- Hearing impairment
- Dysgraphia
- Auditory and visual processing issues
- Developmental Coordination Disorder (dyspraxia)
If you or your child is struggling with
reading and/or spelling, you may be
asking the following questions…
”Should I get myself or my child assessed?’
‘What is dyslexia? What are the typical signs and what other problems can arise as a result?’
‘What does that mean for my child? What help will they get in school?’
‘What does that mean for me as an adult with dyslexia? What help is available?’
Has your child already been
diagnosed with dyslexia but
continues to struggle, despite
additional help?
If so, you may be asking:
‘What can I do to help my child at home?’
‘Will they ever overcome their learning difficulties and be successful in school and life?’
‘How can such a bright, creative and intelligent child find reading and spelling so difficult?’
What are the typical signs of dyslexia?
A student with dyslexia may experience one or more of the following:
- Struggling to get to grips with the basic letter sounds.
- Not hearing the difference between sounds – bid and bed, for example.
- Difficulty segmenting and blending sounds together.
- A word does not ‘stick’, even when decoded successfully – they don’t recognise it again, maybe even on the same page.
- Words that cannot be sounded out (sometimes called sight words or tricky words) are almost impossible to learn – even short words such as: was, one, who etc.
- Poor spelling – relying on phonics to spell and as a result making errors such as: wun (one/won), dringk (drink), sed (said).
- Continuing to reverse letters (e.g. b and d) or transpose whole words (e.g. was and saw) beyond age 7/8. (This is not a cause for concern initially as most children do this when they are starting to learn to form their letters).
- These all occur because the right connections are NOT being made between the sounds and the visual representation of them i.e the letters and words.
Latest Blog
How do we learn to read?
Can you remember learning to read? If it was an unpleasant struggle, you are more likely to recall the experience. If you learnt to read easily, you probably won’t remember much about it. Perhaps you can remember some of the early books which were read to you...
How is The Jumpstarting™ System
different from typical approaches?
The Jumpstarting™ System is not just another phonics-based reading and spelling programme.
Instead, The Jumpstarting™ System addresses the underlying issues that create learning difficulties.
The main underlying issue is that students who are struggling with reading and spelling are not using their mental imagery skills effectively.
We help those with dyslexia build on their visual strengths in order to develop the mental imagery skills necessary to become successful and confident learners.
This is not a programme, scheme of work or set of materials and there are no hidden costs.
What Difference Can The
Jumpstarting™ System Make?
Imagine seeing your child suddenly ‘get’ how to spell and read, after years of struggling, feeling ‘stupid’ and frustrated.
We have witnessed amazing transformations over and over again when using The Jumpstarting™ System.
Here are just some of the typical results we see….
- Spelling scores go up and reading becomes more fluent, less of a chore and more enjoyable.
- Stress is reduced and concentration and focus become less of an issue.
- Students are calmer, happier, more confident and their self-esteem goes up now that they know HOW to learn.
- We have been told that time spent on homework is reduced dramatically!
- Parents are happier and calmer now they know how to help their children more effectively.
- Teachers are delighted with the rapid progress their struggling students make and classrooms are calmer with fewer stressed learners.
Dyslexia: Jumpstarting™ Word Skills for Parents
Our online dyslexia course for parents teaches you how to help your child to overcome their learning difficulties.
Jumpstarting™ Word & Number Skills for Educators
Jumpstarting™ Learning Coaching - Face to Face Coaching
We also provide the opportunity to work with us face to face or with another Jumpstarting™ Learning Coach
Our Mission
To encourage the widespread adoption of The Jumpstarting™ System in all schools, so those with dyslexia can learn to read and spell effectively AND maintain and nurture their unique strengths and talents.
Our Vision
In time, dyslexia will no longer be thought of as a disability or a neurological disorder, but be seen as a natural expression of neurodiversity.
Meet the Team
Sara Haboubi M.A. (Hons) and Paula Montie B.Ed. (Hons)
co-developers of The Jumpstarting™ System.
Sara and Paula started working together in 2011 after meeting Olive Hickmott of Empowering Learning UK and learning about the process she had developed.
They were both absolutely amazed at the simplicity and power of the process and set about to increase their knowledge of dyslexia and hone their skills.
Since 2011, they have coached hundreds of people to become confident spellers and readers and improve their mental maths.
They co-developed the Jumpstarting™ Literacy and Numeracy Programme which has been delivered to over 50 schools in the UK and Ireland, at the NUI Maynooth Dept. of Primary and Early Years Education and to tutors at the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre.
The processes they teach are fast becoming an essential part of a teacher’s toolkit.
Meet Sara - Course Co-Developer, Trainer, Learning Coach and International Speaker
I’m the mother of two boys, both of whom had some difficulties early on with learning to spell. Fortunately, I was able to use the processes I learnt from Olive Hickmott to help them.
Previously an engineering consultant and project manager for 10 years, I radically changed direction in careers in 2002 when I studied
My passion is applying these tools and techniques in the area of education. Since meeting Olive Hickmott, I have been helping students, previously believed to have chronic and life-long learning difficulties, to overcome the debilitating symptoms and move forward in their lives. In fact, I was so taken with the process that I explored the impact of using it with adults with dyslexia in my Master’s research project, with great success.
As well as a partner in Jumpstarting Learning Skills, I am also the Managing Director of Quantum Leaps which provides one to one coaching, workshops and training courses.
You can learn more about me at – www.quantumleaps.ie.
Or contact me directly:
email: sara@jumpstartinglearningskills.com
Tel: + 353 (0) 860775452
Meet Paula - Course Co-Developer, Retired Head Teacher, Trainer and Learning Coach
I have over 35 years’ experience in the field of education as
I retired from
It was what I had been searching for all my professional life! I am now committed to spending my retirement years empowering parents and encouraging schools to adopt this approach in their everyday practice.
I have trained staff in over 40 schools and have also run courses at the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre. I have worked with hundreds of private clients, and enjoy seeing their success.
I have always been passionate about personal development and enabling others to be the best they can be. I have a Certificate in Counselling Skills in Education, am a Master Practitioner in
As well as a partner in Jumpstarting Learning Skills, I am a Learning Coach and Trainer.
You can learn more about me at paulamontie.co.uk.
Or contact me directly:
email: paula@jumpstartinglearningskills.com
Tel: + 44 (0) 7565789151
Watch Sara and Paula talk about The Jumpstarting™ Reading and Spelling System.
The Jumpstarting™ System: Spelling
The Jumpstarting™ System: Reading
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Get in touch with the
Jumpstarting™ Team here.
Any more questions please do not hesitate to get in touch here.