Jumpstarting™ News & Blog.
Jumpstarting™ News & Blog
How do we learn to read?
Can you remember learning to read? If it was an unpleasant struggle, you are more likely to recall the experience. If you learnt to read easily, you probably won’t remember much about it. Perhaps you can remember some of the early books which were read to you...
Dyslexia – Gift or Disability?
In many countries, dyslexia is classified as a disability, but there is a shift towards seeing it as a gift rather than a disability. “Dyslexia is not a disability – it's a gift. It means that I and many other dyslexic thinkers can portray the world through images...
Dyslexia: 10 Tips for Reading with your Child
There is a lot more to reading than decoding the words. Children with dyslexia can miss out on developing essential reading skills because they are struggling so much with sounding out each word.
Jumpstarting™ Videos & Interviews
Sara Haboubi's Jumpstarting Journey
Paula Montie's Jumpstarting Story
TV3 Ireland AM - Summer Learning Loss - June 2018
TV3 Ireland AM Interview 7th Oct 2016
Se McCarthy (Principal St Joseph’s NS Rathwire) and Sara Haboubi.
Jumpstarting™ Audio Interviews
Dublin City FM - October 2017
Phoenix radio interview - October 17
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Jumpstarting™ Team here.
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