



Read some of the fantastic reviews about how the

Jumpstarting™ Learning System has been so beneficial to many…..

Our son’s journey with Paula was truly remarkable.  He began as someone weighed down by his dyslexia, unable to believe in his own capabilities and not achieving his potential.  Working with Paula, we saw a dramatic change in our son.  He took time to really master the techniques which Paula seeks to embed, but the result was simply amazing.  It was inspiring and in many ways humbling and very emotional as I saw our son start to flourish and to begin to believe in his ability to spell, read and comprehend.  What we saw was a world of opportunities opening up as he relished his new found confidence.  We can’t thank Paula enough for the amazing transformation that she achieved with our son.    For all of us it was a genuinely eye-opening experience and one that was so worthwhile and memorable.  I cannot praise Paula, her attitude, her approach and her own desire to help people see themselves and approach challenges differently. Truly a life changing experience!

Father of Boy - Aged 14

The visualisation has been fab and we have particularly noticed the benefit when learning the weekly spellings – it has taken less than half the time and the heartache we used to go through in order to learn the spellings has been pretty much eradicated! I have been telling anyone who will listen how remarkable visualisation is!!

Mother of Girl - Aged 8

Mrs Montie’s techniques have greatly helped me to start developing strategies for dealing with my recently diagnosed dyslexia. Of particular help to me are the techniques for clearing a fuzzy mind, grounding and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Whenever I find myself struggling to concentrate I use the technique of speaking the alphabet while moving different sides of the body. I find this helps me to refocus my thoughts and to be able to take in more information from lessons and homework.

In lessons and during exams, if I need to bring myself back to the particular subject, I use the grounding technique to replace negative with positive energy and give myself a stronger, but calmer foundation to work from.

These two methods of improving focus and clarity of thought have helped me greatly to improve my performance during A level studies and I am hoping they will help when I take my exams in the summer.”

I hope you can find a use for this text to show that even 18 year old A-level students can benefit. Thanks again.

A - Student -18

After working with Sara, the main impact on D is that he is a lot happier in school and at home. Homework time is no longer a stressful time or a struggle any more. I have applied the technique to Irish spellings and there are vast improvements in it.

I have found that D is working more independently on his homework. Also has taken greater interest in sports and school activities. A lot of teachers have comment on how he is taking part more in sports. Before this he showed no interest in it.

Mother of Boy - Aged 10

R had a new way of learning and remember spellings and reading that worked for her learning style. I really found such an increase in her confidence and willingness to try the new technique. Once we had completed the three sessions, homework now takes only 1/3 of the time, she is doing so well in her spelling tests and her ability and confidence in reading has increased so much that she is now reading on her own and enjoying books. She has absolutely flourished and I am so pleased that we did the coaching sessions with Sara. I highly recommended the sessions, since her diagnosis, this has been the most positive experience by far and really boosted her confidence, recognised her strengths rather than her deficits and acknowledged her ability, her intelligence and her coping skills. It seems such a simple technique that the question has to be asked, why are we not using these methods in schools? R’s learning has gone from strength to strength, her confidence has increased and my stress levels have decreased and my confidence in R’s ability to learn has increased. I am telling everyone about the sessions and can highly recommend them.

Thanks so much for your help. it has been so beneficial for Rachel and also for me as a parent.

Mother of Girl - Aged 8

 The Jumpstarting™ Learning Skills Online Programme is really well put together. The information is very clear and makes complete sense. My son is thrilled that this new method works so well. This finally seems to be a method that is worth sticking with!!

 This is too easy! It must be cheating!!

Mother of Boy - Aged 9

Less time spent doing homework, no conflict during. More confidence in her ability to carry out her homework. Fantastic approach to learning, should be across the board in all schools

Mother of Girl - Aged 6

This way of learning has made it just much more enjoyable to learn without the usual stress.

This course, Jumpstarting, is after changing everything for F and I. It was an eye-opener for not just F but myself also. I would strongly urge any parent who struggles with helping their child with reading or spelling difficulties to do this course, it is an investment in your child’s future. You won’t get a better tutor than Sara to help you on your way to stress-free learning for your child.

Mother of Girl - Aged 12

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Jumpstarting™ Team here.

Any more questions please do not hesitate to get in touch here.